Hilo rain never disappoints as scores of people lined the Bayfront highway waving signs in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness month. In attendance were non-profit agencies, Hawaii county employees, survivors of Domestic Violence and family member of people who lost their lives to domestic violence. It was chilly and wet, but that didn’t stop sign wavers from waving, holding up their signs and cheering every time someone honked their horn. Soon after, the sign wavers began the peace walk up to the old county building where the Domestic Violence vigil was held.
Sign wavers on Bayfront Highway
The Domestic Violence Vigil was a somber and beautiful ceremony. It began with Pastor Renee Goody setting the tone of the event and praying. Then Hawaii County Mayor, Mitch Roth gave a short speech and proclamation declaring October Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We then had a member from the Prosecuting Attorney’s office provide stats and information on Domestic Violence in Hawaii County. The information was educational and helpful. Then every one in the crowd was give a small electric tea light in a purple cup and members of the Hawaii Police Department and Hawaii fire department read the names of people who had lost their lives to Domestic Violence in Hawaii. People in the crowd also held up signs with their names and the audience were also given the opportunity to say aloud someone’s name who wasn’t mentioned on the official list.
The family of Brandy Ebanez held up her name and banner proudly. Brandy Ebaniz was murdered by her partner in 2022 and dumped in a river. Brandy was originally from Pahala, but moved to Washington with her partner and 2 daughters to try make a new life. Sadly at Brandy’s passing, she was in her 1st trimester of pregnancy. While she didn’t lose her life in the state of Hawaii, she is still a Hawaii girl and her family showed up to represent Brandy’s beautiful spirit. Brandy is described by her Ohana as a kind hearted, strong, devoted mother and a beautiful person overall. Brandy, we honor you, your life and your legacy. We will not forget.
The DV Vigil ended with the awarding of the Purple Ribbon Award winners. The Purple Ribbon award is awarded to those who have displayed outstanding dedication to the Domestic Violence Movement and provided positive community impact. East Hawaii gives 2 purple ribbon awards, one to an individual and one to an organization. The Individual award winner for 2024 was Cheylee Octovio. Cheylee’s life was completely altered in June 2021 when her partner stabbed her multiple times in front of their 2 small children. Since that faithful night, Cheylee has been a fierce advocate against Domestic Violence and spoken publicly about her experience with the criminal justice system. A truly well-deserved recipient of the Purple Ribbon Award, recognized for her resilience and advocacy. The organization that was awarded the purple ribbon award was Men of Pa’a. Men of Pa’a was founded and is led by Iopa Maunakea. The mission of Men of Pa’a is to engage Kanaka in Hawaiian based values and practice. Men of Pa’a are a stellar example in our community of men mentoring and working with other men to shift perspectives and start generational healing. Another well deserved awardee!
While it rained for most of the 2024 DV Vigil, it proved to be a successful event as everyone in attendance seemed to be having a good time. October is over but Domestic Violence is still prevalent and usually ramps up around the holidays. If you or anyone you know is experiencing Domestic Violence please contact emergency services or call the Domestic Violence hotline at 808-959-8864.
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